Skill Builder, Item 4 page 80

Separating and  Controlling Variables. September 26/17

* when carrying out and experiment the scientists have very in mind: controls, dependent variables and independent variables.
*  What is a variable? in an experiment a variable indicates an amount or a condition that can change.
* Dependent variable: it is a variable that we observe and measure.
* Independent variable: it is a variable that we can control.
* Control: provides a basis of comparison in the experiment.

1.procedure page 844  point 1-6

*The salt is independent variable.
*Temperature of water is the dependent variable.
*The volumen of water is control.

2.Ten grams of sugar dissolves more quickly in a liter of pure, hot, tap water than in a liter of  pure, cold, tap water.  List the controls, the indepent variable an the dependent variable.

*the velocity of dissolves sugar in the water is the dependent variable.
*the temperature and sugar is the independent variable.
*the control is the volumen of water.

3. Identify the dependent variable from testing the following hypothesis: if premium gasoline is more efficient, then it should increase the fuel mileage of our family car.

* the distance traveled is the dependent variable
*the type of gasoline  is the independent variable
* the control is the volumen of gasoline.


  1. This is not a summary.
    Rememeber I explained in class, that the exercise was about what you learned after reading the article.



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